Get inspired to make your students more skilled global actors!

Did you need to help your students become more skilled for the global job market?

We were excited to invite you to join an online workshop on teaching employability skills in higher education. The workshop helped you get inspired on how to teach and develop your students’ employability skills.

You can find the recording from the day/workshop here and see the workshop by Juan Martin Maglione here.  

The workshop brought together experienced instructors, students, and industry partners. Attending the workshop gave you new perspectives and fresh ideas for developing and mastering employability skills. Having such skills helps higher education students become more skilled global actors and get ready to enter the global labour market and take on future challenges.

Date: May 28th 2021, 09.00-11.15 CET

The workshop was organized by instructors from the four partner institutions of the Erasmus+ funded Employ Skills project: BBA Inseec (France), Fontys University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands), LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finland), and UCL University College (Denmark).
